Admissions Information & Procedure
With our year-round enrollment process, we are always accepting applications for new students/families based on availability. Admission to our program requires a family tour of the school.
Please call us to arrange your tour at (309) 764-7047.
Admissions Policies
Students are selected for admission to the school based on academic potential, developmental maturity, school achievement, diversity and gender balance, readiness for the school's program, and appropriateness of the match between the family and the school. All new families enrolling at Villa Montessori School are required to be current on their vaccinations or provide a delayed vaccination schedule indicating dates vaccinations are to be recieved that has been approved and signed by a Medical Doctor.
Where appropriate, testing is used as a tool to provide information to assist in the assessment of each candidate. In all cases, the school retains the right to determine, in its sole discretion, whether or not to select a student for admission or to re-enroll a student.
It is the policy of the school not to discriminate based on race, sex, gender expression, religion, national origin, ancestry, or physical or mental disability which is unrelated to the ability to work or enjoy the benefits of the school's programs, facilities, or services.

Scheduling options
The high quality, nurturing, educational experience you can expect from Villa Montessori School is available 7:30am - 5:00pm, Monday-Friday, year-round with limited school closure dates.
Families may choose a four-day per week schedule of Monday-Thursday, or five-day per week schedule of Monday-Friday.
Children are welcome to be scheduled to be dropped off anytime between 7:30am - 8:30am. Pick-up times for children are available to be scheduled anytime between 3:30pm - 4:30pm.
Snacks are included in tuition rates listed. School lunches are billed separately at a daily rate.
For information on our current school closure dates, please click the "School Closure Dates" link below.
Minimum Attendance Requirements
In order to facilitate a child's development of relationships with staff and their own unique routine at Villa Montessori School, minimum attendance requirements have been determined through a collaborative effort of staff, families, and our governing board. A minimum attendance schedule of at least Monday-Thursday, 8:30am - 3:30pm per week is required for all age groups.
We are more than happy to discuss scheduling options with families to find an option that would work best.

Research tells us a child's brain is 80% developed by age 3 and that appropriate, active stimulation is vital to a child's brain development during the first three years of life. A visit to our infant and toddler program will reaffirm this fact! This is an age where the seeds of independence are planted and nurtured: from taking those first steps to learning how to politely ask for a drink of juice to mastering the skill of buttoning a button or zipping a zipper!
Don't confuse Villa Montessori's 0-3 year old programs with other "child care" programs in the community. . .take a closer look, because our quality and educational emphasis set us apart from all the rest!
- The emphasis is on motor, social and speech development as our youngest students learn, grow and explore at their own pace.
- The environment is developed specifically for their needs with large, low windows and child-sized tables, chairs, and other furnishings.
- Specific activities are designed to allow the child to: develop fine motor (pre-writing) skills, increase the child's vocabulary, and develop coordination and strength.
- Curiosity and gross motor skills are encouraged through free exploration of the classroom-children are never confined by playpens, walkers, high chairs, bumbo chairs, or bouncy seats.
- Foreign language and music are introduced to even the youngest students.
The Montessori philosophy is recognized worldwide as an exceptional method of education for preschool aged children. Why is it so highly regarded? Take a look at the primary age groups at VMS and you'll discover why. Only Villa Montessori offers these benefits and more:
- A solid foundation is provided for the 3-to-5 year old, with an emphasis on respect, independence, self-discipline and the development of individual strengths within a structured learning environment.
- Our primary math, reading, foreign language and science curricula prepare students to reach higher levels of achievement when they reach elementary school.
- An individualized learning plan ensures that your child receives exactly what he/she needs to succeed and at their own unique pace.
- An emphasis is placed on the process of the activities, not the product created - so a natural love of learning is allowed to develop along with increased retention.
Your child's academic achievement is a priority at Villa Montessori School. Children are able to succeed at each level because our curriculum is not bound to a particular textbook. The teacher will use the techniques and materials needed to help your child succeed based on your child's abilities.
Our comprehensive curriculum flows logically from one level to the next. Children will demonstrate mastery of an academic skills before they may progress to the next level of difficulty. Problem solving and time management skills are integrated into the everyday school environment. Courtesy, respect and responsibility are not just encouraged, they are expected of each child. For the best educational foundation possible, you owe it to yourself - and your child - to consider Villa Montessori School.
- Our curriculum allows hands-on exploration including practical living skills, sensorial, math, language, history, sciences, art, music, foreign language, and perceptual motor development.
- An all-day program from 8:30am to 3:30pm each day offers a variety of enrichment activities within a familiar environment including everything from swimming to Junior Achievement.
- A Montessori education helps students develop an inner desire to strive for excellence.
- Courtesy, respect, and responsibility are not just encouraged - they are expected of each child.
- Low student to teacher ratios allow for individualized attention and an environment that allows each child to reach his/her highest potential at their own pace.
- A curriculum that emphasizes strong academic skills, encouragement for students to develop into well-rounded, courteous, responsible individuals. Time management and problem solving skills are fostered.
Tuition Rates
Our tuition is billed based on age group. Please be sure to see our scheduling options/minimum attendance requirements and contact us with any questions we might be able to help with.
The tuition rates listed below are effective October 1, 2024 and subject to change.
Additional Resources
The videos below and links provided below contain a wealth of information related to education, child development, safety, and more. Feel free to send us a note or let us know if there are any additional resources you might find helpful to share with others as we would be happy to include them.
Harvard University Center on the Developing Child
Science of Early Childhood Development
Harvard University
Center on the Developing Child
Skills for Life and Learning
Sir Ken Robinson
Bring on the Learning Revolution!